This is the program that I WISHED I had from 20 years of experience first hand.
It took me years to fine-tune a program that still gets me excited and doesn’t interfere with social life and a healthy relationship.
This training plan combined with a simple nutrition program allows you to eat food that you love while maintaining a strong and healthy metabolism.
- You can still have time for family and social life.
- You can still have burgers, pizza, and tacos. (recipes that taste good with nourishing functional ingredients)
- You can be in pool-season shape all year round
- Learn how to eat in a healthy sustainable way
For this introduction week, you can get the whole bundle including:
- Training guide (Mobile workout guide with videos)
- Nutrition guide mini Cut (Guided diet plan with resources)
- Nutrition Guide Mini Bulk (Diet break plan)
- Scratch Cooking guide (Unique visual meal building plan)
- Recipe & Meal Plan (Alternative intuitive eating plan with recipes)
- Lifestyle, Stress, and Energy Plan (Habit building for hormones & life)
We guarantee that you will gain a new insight for your lifestyle and training that will last a lifetime.
All for only $34.00
(less than 1/2 of a session with a trainer)
This will normally go for more than $129.00
More than 1,000+ hours have gone into the design of this program with video, picture, and detailed instructions.
About the workouts:
- Intense, anaerobic workouts increase fast-twitch muscle size and quantity, improving muscle power, strength, and size.
- The right amount of programming with correct recovery methods
- Hormones that promote muscle growth are boosted by anaerobic workouts. (too much can be too much stress)
- A visual nutrition guide so that you can eat food that you LOVE
Full-body workouts that don’t over exhaust muscle groups. More weekly exposure to send fragment signals for growth. Frequency and exposure create a stronger neural pathway without leaving you overworked and exhausted.
It's time to try a new method. These breaks with programming can be the perfect spark to generate new results and experience that you'll hold on to for life.
Let this program be the jumpstart to create momentum and positive habits that are sustainable. You might not lose 10 lbs in 30 days but you’ll be on the way to a life that feels better.
You don’t need
- A strict diet that eliminates a solid food group
- To workout 2x day, every day or even 4 times per week.
- If you want to spend time in the gym because it’s energizing... do so but use it for mobility, pump, or active recovery.
You do need: (what people forget to mention)
- To work smart for your body
- Put effort out
- Be consistent
- A gameplan for managing stress so that you enjoy LIFE
Recommended equipment (modifications included):
- Dumbbells
- Barbell
- Pull-up bar
- Assault bike or airdyne
Most Advanced Moves: (modifications included)
- Cleans (barbell & Dumbbell)
- Dumbbell Snatches
- Deadlifts